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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bio for Penny for Draft Article, March 17 2014

 Bio for Penny for Draft Article

March 17 2014

I discovered Drafting/Carting totally by accident one day in early 2013 after putting Dino into his weight pull harness, attaching him to my crate dolly cart and having him bring several boxes to one of my neighbors nearby. He was so happy to be in his harness and pulling. I immediately went online, looking for groups that allowed all breeds in their Draft events. I found the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, who state in their Rules and Regulations they allow all AKC registered breeds, including Mixed Breeds. 

I contacted a local training friend who I knew had Berners and participated in their events. He confirmed that the Berner club does allow all breeds. He said that he would let me know about any upcoming Draft practices. 

I continued to attend regular practices with people from a local Berner club in preparation for their upcoming Draft test in Scotts Valley, CA. In August 2013, we passed the Berner Novice Draft test, becoming the first Mixed Breed to earn a Draft title. In November 2013, we passed the St. Bernard Novice Draft Test and in February 2014, we passed two Rottweiler Carting tests. 

Dino was adopted through Grateful Dog Rescue in December 2006, and since then he has earned 32 titles including being the first Mixed Breed to earn the AKC Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) title, the second AKC Utility Dog (UD), and the first with a Draft title. In addition, he has worked full time since 2009 as a tracking dog to help find lost pets throughout California. He has completed over 510 cases, and many of those cases involved multiple days, weeks and months. He has also earned two Honorable Mentions in the AKC Humane Fund ACE Awards in 2012 and 2013, and was featured in the March issue of Dog Fancy Magazine.

Here is Dino’s personal blog:


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